purple hibiscus

Three things I commonly find in Purple Hibiscus is power, obedience, and slow coming freedom. Purple hibiscus shows the perspective of a teenage girl in Nigeria, Kambili, living a very luxurious life but a dark side: her abusive father. She lives her life in fear and strict rules. Though she has a weird connection with her father, a kind of pride of him. This is easily recognized because the book is from Kambili's perspective, as if we're in her head. 

Power and obedience is showed through her father. Her father's abuse inspires Kambili to live in fear and live by strict rules. Slowly she shows that she is finding her freedom. This comes in some corrupt ways but is understandable, due to her circumstances. She learns to finally laugh and smile because of an inappropriate crush on a priest. This leads us to question, is her corrupt view of Father Amadie just her acting out because her fathers strict life style? 


  1. I also think Kambili's relationship with her dad is weird. Why doesn't she hate him? Nice post!

  2. I like how you picked out three different aspects of the book to focus on and what you noticed about each. You pose an interesting question at the end that definitely put Kambili and Father Amadi's relationship in a different perspective, in my opinion. Overall, great post!


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