hits and misses

My hits this year were mainly the blog posts and poetry. I tend to enjoy writing shorter pieces of writing because it forces you to be brief but also as descriptive as possible. Blogs and poetry are more of a creative outlet than any other kind of writing. I do not know if I like free writing or prompts more. I feel like I will always enjoy creative writing such as poetry or blogs more than anything.

Some of my misses included the larger pieces of writing. I often lose focus, detail, and meaning when I write for long pieces of time. I think that if I become a better writer I will struggle less with major writings. For literary analyses and DBQs I seem to find myself in a pickle that will grow smaller over time as I become a better writer.


  1. Writing large papers is very hard and challenging. I also found blogs a hit for me, but poetry was challenging for me. Good Job!

  2. I also like to be creative with my writing. Hopefully your pickle will grow smaller as you improve as a writer. Good job!

  3. I agree! I enjoy poetry as well because it is a really nice creative outlet. I also struggle with long papers! Really great post!


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