political article - death penalty

In an article posted by Usnews written by Kimberlee Kruesi, the topic of capitol punishment came up in correlation with abortions. She writes and responds to a man running for governor's thoughts about giving the death penalty to women and doctors who acquire abortions. He uses the phrase "anyone who has an abortion should pay." He continues with his stance and agrees with another, that women should get the death penalty for . In another article posted by Refinery 29, he noted that a women would not face the death penalty but just the threat alone would dramatically reduce the abortion rates. While he sounds pro-life, the figures who represent pro-life tried to distance themselves and explain that his view opposes everything the Pro-Life movement believes in.

While this would make no change, the treat would be economically illogical. This would raise the taxes we pay because it would raise welfare rates. If women who needed an abortion could not get one, it would lead to more women needing food stamps, shelters, and more help from the government. This is because women who are getting abortions are not getting them for fun, but because they are not in stable enough position to bring a baby into the world. This would also lead to crime rates going up and more counter productive members of society. Young parents might neglect their kids which leads to unstable young adults committing crimes. Mothers who cannot provide enough of an infostructure for their children can lead to more uneducated people and criminals. 

I have read this article on many different websites and choose these two because they are widely known and trusted. I chose this article in particular because I am absolutely baffled by the idea and want to be more involved.


  1. I like the way that you approached it when you put in your own opinion. Not only did you provide facts to enforce your argument, but you also provided examples. Good job.

  2. I definitely agree with you on this issue. I love the way you discussed your opinion in this post. I would like to be more involved in this issue, as well.

  3. Although I don't agree with all of your points, I do support a few of them. I also think you made your point clear in this post.

  4. Good job! This article is very interesting, and the way you summarized it in your opinions were well put together. I have to agree with the fact that this thought is illogical and absurd!

  5. Good post. I feel like you really got your point across.

  6. I was so intrigued when I read what this man who is running is saying. It is definitely a very contradictory statement and I agree with your opinion too. Great post.


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