
I tell myself that I do not like yearbook. Though when I find myself running around with a camera in my hand trying to capture people's smiles, I remember why I signed up for the class. Granted, I do not like missing practices or always being busy, but when i take a really good picture or see my picture in a yearbook spread I get the best feeling. This feeling of great reward is worth all of the looks I get and being the odd one out.

Yearbook is also pretty hard. The class is really laid back all year but as the end comes we get more and more stressed out. The yearbook crew works over all breaks and the grind actually starts in the summer. That is when the editors, Ms. Madden, and all the people willing to, work their hardest to make the yearbook aesthetic and easy on the eyes.

As we make things look okay and presentable, in reality everyone is all over the place. The editors, Ngan especially, are always stressed. The underclassmen are never doing their work. Merritt is never not signing, and Mason is always hungry and upset. Somehow there is an equilibrium and we all live in chaotic harmony.

When I think about the class I realized I've come to love it. This class has grown on me and i am really going to miss this years editors and the yearbook family.


  1. It sounds like yearbook is a lot of fun! The pictures that you take are very impressive! Good post.

  2. Yearbook does seem like it would be super stressful at times, but in the end, rewarding and fun. Its awesome that you stick with what you love doing, and the work obviously pays off! Nice job :)

  3. Even though yearbook is really stressful, it sounds like a lot of fun! I love taking pictures, too. Great post!

  4. The yearbook would not sound stressful at all, but if you actually realize how much work and effort it takes to make one, then it truly amazed one! Surely the hard work put into the yearbook will definitely pay off! Great post!

  5. It sounds stressful, especially toward the end of the year when most classes are slowing down. Yearbook is definitely not something that I could do. Overall, this is a well done post. Nice work!

  6. That seems so nerve racking and stressful but all of the work you guys put in it looks great. The yearbook always looks good!


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