ATDPTI reaction

I like this book a lot so far. I am a very slow reader and I can read this book very quickly because it's like a journal. I like the pictures and his drawings a lot because it gives more insight inside his life and how he thinks. I think this book is good to read while working on a project because it takes your mind off of the stress. 

Arnold's story is not relatable to me but i can understand where he is coming from through the way that he writes. The reservation does not sound like a great or understanding place but Arnold and Rowdy seem to know how to navigate it. This book has made me laugh out loud many times and also think about how I would react in the same situations that Arnold has gone through, like the Andruss brothers. I look forward to continue reading this book during our project time.


  1. I enjoy this book as much as you do, it seems. It has ben great to alleviate some stress. I'm excited to see how this book will end!!

  2. Its great to have an easy book during all this stressful work. I can read it quickly in between work to take a break.


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