harrison bergeron

When I read this originally I was really confused and could not make since of the short story. As the class talked about what it meant I started to understand that it was satire. The author was making fun of a subject; when it came clear everything made more since. I still do not understand why Harrison and the ballerina kissed the ceiling. I was also confused on why on what the people had to wear and why. After the class discussion I understood it was a weight for the stronger people.

After going over everything, I wondered if the author wrote this to show what the world would be like if the government made everyone over equal. I don't think the author was making fun of equality but illustrating what would happen if everyone was equal to that level. I also wondered if that's what things would really be like. I think the author was successful at making the readers think even after reading the short story because people are still talking about it days after.


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