
Showing posts from October, 2017


Ethan webb- why is music important Grace scott- describe a time you were very scared

human nature?

I think human nature is full of possibilities. I think where you grew up, with whom you grew up, and your personality all contribute to your composition. You can grow up rich, have a loving family, and an endless amount of possibilities but still be bitter. Depending on how you view the world you can make the best of things or the worst, and not everyone will see things one way. I think without the outside world humans would be next to nothing; memories, culture, art, working, politics, and other people are what make a human. I assume without all of those things you couldn't be bitter or happy since you have nothing to compare or relate. I have these views because I've seen people in both situations. I've met sour people who have a dream life and cannot see anything but anger in the world. I've also watched kids in my dad's family run around the farm for hours and be nothing but joyful for the little that they have. I always try and be thankful for what I have, no...

what if everything you ever said was tattooed onto your skin

If everything you ever said got tattooed onto your skin, the world would be a better place. People would not make up rumors or lie. The world would be more honest, and people might have less of a struggle to trust. While some people might cover up their lies or untruthful words, they would be revealed eventually; there would be no cover. There might be people who wear their lies proudly, but that only further shows what kind of person they are. Their words would be an easy way to learn people as well, take a swift glance at anyone's wrists or arm to see what kind of person they are. You could call this quick to judge, but we would all do it. While it might be a more honest world, it could also be more secretive and worse and the world now. People wouldn't tell on others' crimes, "What if someone reads I ratted them out?" people would think. People might not say how they feel, afraid of what stays on their skin. This alternate universe might be more lawful, but a...


Katie- the very old man with enormous wings Grace- flash fiction


Julia- fall break free post Ethan- final exorcist response

a & p

After reading the short story, A & P, I was conflicted. I liked the story, and I read it thoroughly and after the first time reading it I thought I understood the story. After going over it in class, I realized I missed a whole bunch of important details. I had read portions and didn’t consider them or read between the lines. I have learned I need to work on this. While I liked Sammy for standing up for the girls, sort of, he spoke so poorly of them. He called these woman sheep and wondered if they had brains. While standing up to his rude boss was the right idea, quitting his job was a bit impulsive. He was very detail oriented and opinionated; he noticed every feature of the girls and had an opinion about it. I think his character is complicated in that, he wants to stand up for the girls and be their hero but doesn’t know how to think of them respectfully.


I have such great friends, and it amazes me every time they come through for me. In years past I’ve never really had close friends. I rode by with a series of “best friends” that eventually I would get into fights with and I would drift from. I would find new friends and move on. It’s not hard for me to make friends, so it was never a problem for me.  After starting high school, I realized I cannot have my temporary friends anymore. I had to make my friends that I would keep through high school, that would help me through the next 4 years. I would have to realize who I could trust, who would support me, and who I would have to drop. This horrified me. I missed people sometimes, but I knew some friends are problematic. I gathered up all my closest friends all the way from 3rd grade, and I depended on them. It wasn’t a very wise choice to pick a lot of my friends from outside schools and older grades because sometimes I felt like I don’t belong in my class. I’ve been trying to ma...


Emma Thompson- short story Naya Batiste- short story

yes, I can hear your groaning.

"You’re feminist? why?" he laughed Because she thought, Because she’s still afraid to wear what she wants Because men still make more than women Because her friend told her women don’t deserve the right to vote The statement stuck with her, though it shouldn’t have “Do other people really think this?” She wonders for days A friend offers to get her a “feminist” necklace, She immediately thinks of the mockery, She considers telling her no. She will stand for what she believes in And she wants the necklace more than ever. She thinks of writing about feminism in class, But she immediately thinks of the mockery. She will stand for what she believes in, Though she can hear the groans of the readers.

harrison bergeron

When I read this originally I was really confused and could not make since of the short story. As the class talked about what it meant I started to understand that it was satire. The author was making fun of a subject; when it came clear everything made more since. I still do not understand why Harrison and the ballerina kissed the ceiling. I was also confused on why on what the people had to wear and why. After the class discussion I understood it was a weight for the stronger people. After going over everything, I wondered if the author wrote this to show what the world would be like if the government made everyone over equal. I don't think the author was making fun of equality but illustrating what would happen if everyone was equal to that level. I also wondered if that's what things would really be like. I think the author was successful at making the readers think even after reading the short story because people are still talking about it days after.