personal narrative: a nightmare

I love making these blogs and creative writing. So I was super excited for the personal narrative paper. I really like this kind of stuff because I find it really fun and easy to tell stories. Its also very easy for me to apply vivid detail because I have a great memory and I enjoy describing what happens graphically. The first day we got the due dates I worked very hard on the paper, I actually almost finished it. On the second day I made it to the fifth page and decided the story would be fine to end there. I made the details more realistic and tried to made sure it was easy to picture. I included details on the smells, sights, and even the weather. I had worked so hard to apply the writing requirements.

It was Thursday night and I was logging into my computer. I opened up canvas to be ready to submit my personal narrative. After reducing the paper to the best, most vivid parts, it was almost ready. I had to look over the paper again, checking for past tense. I always forget I'm in present tense and find that half way through a sentence I've turned it to past. I opened word and the document was not there. I looked over the recent opened documents, not worrying just yet. Seeing it wasn't there, I started to panic. I checked my English one folder. My paper was gone. I panicked, I teared up, I was defeated by my own mistake. I emailed Dr. D and started on a new document. I finished finally, swearing to myself I will press control S every time I make an edit on a paper for the rest of my life.


  1. Oh my gosh this sounds awful! I am so sorry that happened to you, I have done that a couple of times myself. I hope your paper is better than ever!!

  2. This must have felt so bad! I have to agree with you though, I love writing papers. I wish you the best of luck on your paper!


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