broken finger

"Throw it, throw it," Talia yells as if he's not 7 feet in front of her.
Riley threw the football from the sidelines of the school's football field. He had missed half of the school day so he had to hang out with the water-girls, and of course ford, instead of playing in the game. We were playing around with the ball, the football players were only warming up for their upcoming game so we weren't worried about handing out water yet. I stuck my hand out to block it and I felt my stomach drop.

It burns, it stings, it's aching, I cant bend it.
"ouch" I say while laughing, not knowing what to do.
I can't let them know my finger hurts because its my fault, and I can't make Riley feel bad.
"What's wrong, what happened?" Talia says, as I shake my hand pretending that would help.
"Finger machine broke," I say keeping the mood light.
Jackson laughs. I laugh in surprise he was paying attention. I ask Talia if she thinks the school has a splint.
"Yeah but its probably just jammed, I'm sure it'll be okay."
"Yeah I know, I've just broken my finger before and it feels really familiar."
We take our time to walk to the LSU guest trainers a little ways down the track and ask if they can help. They didn't know what to do.
"Some trainers," I mumble. They said it was probably fine, that its just jammed.
"Little did they know the joint broke!" I tell my mom after getting an x-ray, confirming what I already knew.
"Joint machine broke," My mom says in agreement as we get into the car to finally go home.


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