We Are Okay by Nina LaCour

We Are Okay by Nina LaCour is a great book so far. I haven't been reading it for very long but it immediately caught my eye with a baby pink, teal, and black cover. It has a drawing of a girl standing on a bed in the middle of the beach. When I saw the book in the library I remembered briefly reading a summary of the book and wanting to read it during the summer; so when I saw it I checked it out without rereading the summary and jumped right in.

This book starts with what is happening in real time. The second chapter is a flash back, and it continues to jump back and forth. The book didn't mention the main character's name until around page twenty, but does mention the name of her roommate and the girl who will be visiting her. She mentions everything in her room and her feelings to where I feel like I'm in her mind sharing her thoughts. So far Marin, the main character, mentions something that has happened with her and a friend in the past. Mabel, who has come to visit her during winter break, wants Marin to come home with her. I can not figure out the relationship between Marin and Mabel, at first when Marin described how they looked at each other, it seemed like a past love interest, but its still hard to tell. Its hard to put this book down because I really want to find out what happened between Marin and her friend.


  1. This sounds like a very interesting and confusing book. I also enjoy books that make you want to keep reading, and that you can't put down!!

  2. It sounds cool but confusing. I think this might be my type of book.

  3. This book sounds so interesting!!! The way you described the book makes me want to read it !

  4. This book seems like it would be pretty confusing for a teenage boy. Though I might not read it, it might just be perfect a teen girl.


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