the march - syllabic verse

We march.
We march with blisters on our feet and
Chant with harsh voices.
We march
For this, to make sure it is the last time.
To make sure this is it.
We should not have to fear to go to school
But as each of us say,
This is
Just the world we live in. Well not to us.
This is why we march: for
Our lives.


  1. I like how you use enjambment and anaphora in this poem. It places emphasis on words like march and it makes the whole thing more dramatic and intense. I wish I could've gone to the march!

  2. I would have to agree with some of the statements that you have made. A kid should not feel dangerous when he/she goes to school.. But, criminal activity can never be accounted for, and it is just another aspect of human nature. I personally believe that the March for our Lives movement was very anti-gun in nature. Which is obviously something that I personally do not agree with. But once again, this was very well written and I do wish that our society gets better as a whole.


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